Paul Villeneuve, PhD

Chief Scientist

Dr. Paul Villeneuve graduated from the University of Toronto with a PhD in Epidemiology in 2000. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Sciences at Carleton University. His research interests are in environmental, cancer and occupational epidemiology. He has worked extensively with large population-based survey databases including the National Population Health Survey, The Fitness Canada Survey, the Nutrition Canada Survey, and the National Enhanced Cancer Surveillance system. He has published widely in the area of cancer epidemiology, in particular, the effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields and low-levels of ionizing radiation. He has lectured in biostatistics at the University of Ottawa and the University of Toronto. He has published approximately 95 papers in scientific journals, and has over 100 presentations of his research at workshops, conferences, and invited lectures.

Kevin Brand, Sc.D, SM, MS, BASci

Specialist in Health Risk Assessment/Management

Dr. Kevin Brand has broad expertise in environmental health risk assessment, with a specific interest in uncertainty analysis and its interplay with policy formulation. His doctoral degree in Environmental Health Management (Harvard U), is nicely complemented by his background in engineering (BASci, U. of Toronto and an MS, Carnegie Mellon U.). His publications cover methodological issues, including statistical methods for combining and interpreting evidence, decision analysis tools for supporting policy, and mathematical models for projecting risk. Other papers deal with exposure monitoring, and broad-brush frameworks for evaluating toxicity across chemicals.

Dr. Brand joined the School of Management Faculty (U. of Ottawa) as an Assistant Professor in 2002, and has recently been awarded an NSERC/SSHRC junior chair in Health Risk Management. He is located within the R. Samuel McLaughlin Center for Population Health Risk Assessment, within U of O's new Institute of Population Health (IHP).

Mitsi Cardinal, MSc.
Senior Epidemiologist

With a strong educational foundation, combining mathematical and statistical sciences (BSc Mathematics-Sciences with Honours, Ottawa University) for application in the field of public health and epidemiology (MSc  Community Health, Université de Montréal), Ms. Cardinal utilizes the scientific approach to generate evidence-based knowledge, contributing to critical information for public health action and increased quality of life. With over 10 years work experience in the federal government (Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada) and more recently for Epistream Consulting, she is valued as a productive worker and an efficient team player with leadership qualities.

Ms. Cardinal has developed skills and competencies in chronic disease and injury surveillance (including the development and implementation of new systems), maintaining respectful and engaging relationships with stakeholders, as well as clinical trial reviews and assessments of study design and statistical methods.

She has provided significant contributions to several Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada publications (of note:  Injury in Review 2012 Edition and Canadian Childhood Cancer Surveillance and Control Program, Diagnosis and Initial Treatment of Cancer in Canadian Children 0 to 14 Years, 1995-2000) and is first author of a methodological paper on time series analysis of infectious disease incidence published in Statistics in Medicine. She also invests her time learning and practicing healthy living habits (nutrition, physical activity, and general wellness).

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